Queensland Tourism Industry Council and Queensland First Nations Tourism Council
The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) is a private sector, member-based organisation for tourism and hospitality businesses in Queensland, with a long and active history in supporting Indigenous tourism.
Their pivotal work has included the production of a Best Practice Guide, the formation of an Indigenous Champions Network, the development of a First Nations Tourism Plan, and subsequently, the establishment of the Queensland First Nations Tourism Council (QFNTC).
The First Nations Tourism Plan, released in 2019, recommended a peak body be established to amplify the voice of the First Nations tourism sector, in line with international best practice. The resulting QFNTC will work hand in hand with industry, government and QTIC to implement the tourism plan through until 2025.
In partnership with the State Government, QTIC has developed a range of funded initiatives and continues to advance new opportunities, with a clear focus on the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games. The Growing Indigenous Tourism in Queensland Fund, delivered as part of the 2020 Year of Indigenous Tourism in Queensland, experienced high demand. This demonstrates the opportunity for further progress to be made with more funding, especially if aligned with a clear strategy and measurement framework, which QTIC is working towards.
QTIC’s Best Practice Guide for Working with First Nations Tourism
This guide aligns the aspirations of the First Nations tourism sector with the needs of the broader tourism industry in Queensland, which has asked for the knowledge and tools to better understand respectful engagement with First Nations businesses and communities in the tourism sector.
In the guide, you will find:
- Introduction and identifying Traditional Owners – Foundational understanding of the landscape
- Cultural Protocols – Detailed exploration including recognising people and place, respecting Culture and heritage, and empowering business and communities
- Procurement support – Discussion of best practice and issues in Indigenous procurement
- Accreditation – Introduction to what is currently being developed in this space
Other Organisations
in Queensland
Department of Tourism, Innovation & Sport
Government Department
Strategies and Indigenous Tourism projects
- Our Country Advisory Service provides targeted support for Indigenous operators to help establish and grow their tourism offerings.
- Growing Indigenous Tourism in Queensland Fund includes a $7 million investment to develop new and sustainable Indigenous tourism offerings.
Tourism Tropical North Queensland
Strategies and Indigenous Tourism projects
- Facilitates the TNQ Indigenous Experiences Cluster Group, which created a mentoring program for Indigenous tourism operators during Queensland’s Year of Indigenous Tourism.
- TNQ Indigenous Experiences Cluster group developed a region-specific First Nations Tourism Action Plan for Tropical North Queensland in 2023.
Independent Indigenous Tourism Operators of Queensland
Strategies and Indigenous Tourism projects
- Established as a network of Indigenous tourism operators in Queensland, founded on the principle of self-determination and empowerment of Indigenous voices in the tourism industry.
Land Councils
Representative Body
Strategies and Indigenous Tourism projects
- Land councils in Queensland operate as Native Title Representative Bodies, playing a critical role in the management and use of lands for tourism.