The Northern Territory Government, through its tourism organisation – Tourism NT – developed the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020-2030, in partnership with the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Advisory Council.
This strategy was designed with a vision for the Northern Territory to be the undeniable leader in the First Nations tourism sector. Key outcomes for this strategy include growing partnerships with tourism operators, delivering sustainable and seamless experiences, and fostering greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal Cultures. There is, however, widespread acknowledgement that sustainable capacity needs to grow to meet supply-side challenges.
Ultimately the plan hopes to support a strategic destination management approach and improve economic and social outcomes.
Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020-2030
Challenges in supply meeting demand
- Availability of experiences and people to provide the experiences
- Capacity constraints to provide support services to enable experiences
- Access to find and / or reach experiences
- Cost, time and distances involved for consumers to participate in experiences
- Other activities are more accessible and available
Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Advisory Council / Aboriginal Tourism Committee
The NT Aboriginal Tourism Committee is the leading implementation organisation for the NT Aboriginal Tourism Strategy. They also have a broad mandate of developing sustainable and prosperous Aboriginal tourism enterprises in NT.
Aboriginal Tourism Committee chair Paul Ah Chee Ngala said local leadership was vital to the strategy’s success.
“The Aboriginal Tourism Committee contributes to developing sustainable and prosperous Aboriginal tourism enterprises across the NT, leading to positive economic and social outcomes for the Territory and Aboriginal communities, as well as providing a key role in guiding the implementation of the NT Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020-2030,”.
Other Organisations
in Northern Territory
Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory
Representative Body
Strategies and Indigenous Tourism projects
- The APO NT brings together a range of peak bodies across multiple sectors. Their mandate is to represent Aboriginal people in developing and delivering the NT’s Closing the Gap implementation plan.