TTF Welcomes Labor’s Northern Australia Tourism Infrastructure Fund

The peak tourism body Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has welcomed Labor’s announcement of the establishment of a $1 billion Northern Australia Tourism Infrastructure Fund if elected to Government.

But TTF says political parties must now spell out their plans to boost tourism infrastructure investment for all regions of Australia, not just in Northern Australia.

“Labor’s election pledge to allocate $1 billion from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility – established by the Coalition Government – to encourage private sector investment in new visitor infrastructure recognises the importance of tourism to Australia’s economic and employment growth,” says TTF CEO Margy Osmond.

“TTF welcomes the focus on the Asian tourism market, as well as the need to sustainably develop our offerings in eco-tourism and Indigenous tourism, while also upgrading essential infrastructure to support the visitor economy.

‘’We also applaud the recognition that in many cases, projects would most appropriately be funded by a mix of public and private funding.

‘’The reality is that it is often difficult to attract private sector funding for regional or remote tourism projects without some level of government funding being available.

‘’If this proposed Northern Australia Tourism Infrastructure Fund can help to incentivise sustainable commercial development in Northern Australia, then it is worth supporting.

‘’This policy is a positive start to invest in tourism for the Top End. We look forward to the release of more tourism industry policies from Australia’s political parties over the coming days and weeks ahead of polling day.”