TTF Media Release

Tuesday 30 June 2020


Re-opening Queensland to most States and Territories on July 10 just is the shot in the arm that our tourism industry needs right now, the Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) said today.

TTF CEO Margy Osmond said that this announcement from the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk balances the important health impacts with national economic revival.

“There is a lot of detail swirling around right now with respect to borders and timings and dates, but the key message today is that our tourism industry is ramping back up for business,” Margy Osmond said.

“Queensland is ready to welcome back visitors from midday Friday week, so go ahead and book that Queensland holiday. As per Tourism and Events Queensland’s latest campaign, ‘You’re Good to Go’.

“Hopefully Queensland will be able to restore some of the visitation that went elsewhere due to the ongoing border closure.

“Australians have by and large done the right thing in managing COVID19 and the tourism industry including in Queensland have also been working hard behind the scenes to put all the right health and safety protocols in place to safety welcome back visitors.

“This also provides additional drive to progress the Trans-Tasman ‘travel bubble’ between Sydney and Auckland currently under consideration by both Governments.”

TTF data shows that Australians are planning to flock to Queensland for holidays according to a national survey of over 1,500 Australians. The survey on travel intentions conducted by Newgate Research explored the travel intentions over next 6 months as COVID 19 restrictions were gradually lifted.

It found that over a third of respondents would pack their bags and head north for some sunshine over the cooler winter months with NSW residents leading the charge with 49 per cent.

“Not surprisingly the most popular destinations were the Gold Coast with 53 per cent and the Sunshine Coast/Noosa with 36 per cent while 30 per cent said they would go to Brisbane and another 20 per cent would choose Tropical North Queensland,” Margy Osmond continued.

“People are eager to start travelling and relaxation is their priority, so the beautiful beaches and warm climate of Queensland are very alluring and tourism operators are desperate for their business.”

“The recent outbreak in Victoria has created reason for concern and we understand the decision for new restrictions being put in place. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has also done the right thing to announce support for businesses who will be affected.”


Media Contact: TTF Manager Policy & Government Relations Lindsay Hermes 0418 948 447