Sydney sandstones to become luxury accommodation

The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has welcomed the announcement of the preferred hotel proponent for two of Sydney’s iconic Bridge Street sandstone buildings.

International hoteliers Pontiac Land Group have been named as the successful proponents for the project that will turn the sandstone buildings that currently house the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and NSW Department of Education into world-class luxury visitor accommodation.

“This is a fantastic win for the conservation of some of Sydney’s most iconic heritage assets,” said TTF CEO Margy Osmond.

“These sandstone buildings, which date back to the late 1800s, will be converted into visitor accommodation that protects and celebrates their history, providing additional accommodation stock in Sydney and offering complementary retail and other uses that will open them up to the public for the first time.

“Luxury visitor accommodation in these heritage buildings will complement the proposed redevelopment of Circular Quay to make it one of the most important visitor precincts in the country.

“TTF has long championed the adaptive re-use of these buildings for tourism and we congratulate the NSW Government for the leadership it has shown.

“Rather than convert the buildings to office or residential, the NSW Government understood the value in preserving these icons as key visitor economy assets for Sydney.

“Adaptive re-use of heritage assets for tourism can help governments ensure that they are protected for future generations and can be woven into the fabric of a destination’s visitor appeal.

“TTF encourages governments around the country to follow the lead of NSW and look to tourism as a sustainable way to preserve key heritage assets.”