Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) Chief Executive Margy Osmond applauds the NSW Government for delivering a $10 million Tourism Recovery package to encourage visitation to NSW, fund new local events and assist tourism businesses to develop, promote and sell their tourism products and services.

“This comes at a critical time for the industry, this new community-driven campaign – Now’s The Time to Love NSW is the shot in the arm we need to get tourism businesses back up on their feet.

“As Minister for Jobs, Investment and Tourism Stuart Ayres quite rightly says, this is the time to love NSW and all the great destinations and experiences it has to offer.

“We know destinations are hurting from Port Stephens, the Hunter, Blue Mountains to the South Coast.  Our operators would normally have experienced a bumper summer but the bushfire crisis has devastated many areas and now we are experiencing a “double whammy” with coronavirus impacts.

“As an industry we are resilient and we work constructively with the NSW Government and others to take action. Fortunately we have the best destination marketers in the world to help us turn things around.

“Along with other States, NSW through Destination NSW has developed this clever campaign to complement Tourism Australia’s recently launched Holiday Here This Year campaign.”

To kickstart the campaign, Destination NSW is inviting people to take a #RecoveryWeekend, take photos and share on social media with the hashtag #LoveNSW.



For further information or interview please contact Kate Pembroke, TTF Media on 0488 222 916 or email kpembroke@ttf.org.au