New metro station will ensure barangaroo thrives

The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) has today applauded the NSW Government for its decision to build a Barangaroo station on the Metro line.

“Our new world-class precinct will now be served by a world-class Metro,” TTF CEO Margy Osmond said.

“Barangaroo is the most exciting development in town, but up until now the one, glaring omission was the lack of rail access.

“TTF has led calls for the NSW Government to build public transport links to Barangaroo, including the routing of the second Sydney Harbour crossing to the precinct.

“Barangaroo is expected to accommodate 30,000 workers, 2,500 residents and 33,000 daily visitors. With limited parking and road access, public transport will be critical to connecting this precinct to the rest of the city.

“Together with Wynyard Walk and potentially a new ferry terminal, this new Metro station will help connect Barangaroo to Sydney.

“Running the new Metro line from Barangaroo through to Martin Place and then through the centre of the city will also help relieve pressure on Wynyard station.

“The Metro will deliver a 60 per cent increase in capacity on the existing network which would have significant flow on benefits for the rest of the city.

“Building a Metro stop at Barangaroo will also pave the way for a future rail link to the Bays Precinct.

“By connecting Barangaroo to the rail network, the NSW Government will ensure the world-class precinct is connected to the rest of Sydney and realises its potential as an economic driver for the State,” she said.