Robert Taylor

Robert, a Nhanda man from the Yamaji Nation in Western Australia, has served for the past eight years as Chief Executive Officer for WAITOC (Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council).

Robert has taken the organisation from a marketing and advocacy Aboriginal tourism organisation and introduced business development as a further arm of the organisation, with the goal to build future business leaders and create a strong and vibrant Aboriginal tourism sector for Western Australia.

His drive to ensure the nation and visitors understands the economic and social values of Aboriginal tourism has been rewarded through securing funding at a local state and federal government level for Aboriginal tourism.

Rob offers over 36 years of experience in the hospitality and tourism industry. He has owned and managed businesses in the hospitality, tourism, mining, sport and recreation and construction industries. Having an entrepreneurial spirit, he has proved his capability of diversification utilising his skills and knowledge to cross over industries to develop diverse income streams.

Robert became the Chief Executive Officer of WAITOC in 2015. During this time, he has successfully delivered the Aboriginal Tourism Development Program and growing 39 new Aboriginal businesses across Western Australia. These businesses have created 104 full-time equivalent jobs for urban, regional and remote communities. He has increased funding to enhance member business outcomes by over 300% and has the drive to create opportunities for Aboriginal people at a state, national and international level.

Robert has successfully worked with both national and state governments, not for profits and philanthropists; highlighting the importance of Aboriginal tourism and its value to Australia and Aboriginal communities. He has been a leading voice to the government, successfully advocating for $40 million dollars invested into Aboriginal Tourism nationwide from this work.

He has worked with the State Government of Western Australia to help develop JINA: Western Australian Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan 2021-2025, a $20 million dollar investment into Aboriginal Tourism for the state.

Robert continues to create new partnerships to improve cultural understanding, respect, and create positive social outcomes for Australian Aboriginal People and a strong diversified sustainable organisation model.

Robert can differentiate between key opportunities and create embedded processes to ensure outcomes are reached on time and within budget.