Suellen Fitzgerald

Suellen is the inaugural Chief Executive for the Greater Sydney Parklands agency, having been the inaugural Executive Director of Western Sydney Parklands Trust since 2008 and leading the administration for Parramatta Park Trust from 2013. Suellen has worked in private and public practice across Australia working with open space planning and design, nature-based tourism and recreation.

Suellen is a respected authority on strategy, financing public lands, organisational establishment and development, and has presented nationally and internationally on these issues.

Over the last two years Suellen has been instrumental in the development of the Greater Sydney Parklands Trust legislation, passed by Parliament in March 2022. Sydney now has its first ever legislated city-wide urban parks agency to be the voice for parks within Government, take ownership of new parks as they are established, and to help coordinate the implementation of the Blue Green Grid for Sydney with other key landowners and stakeholders.