Stuart Diver

Stuart Diver is the General Manager of Thredbo Alpine Resort. Located in the beautiful Snowy Mountains of NSW, Thredbo is Australia’s best snow resort and premier year-round alpine destination, and is part of The EVT Group – Australia’s premier entertainment, hospitality and leisure company.

Stuart holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Hospitality Studies). He has been in the alpine resort industry for most of his career, ranging from roles in Snowsports, Environmental and Guest services, Hotel Operations, being in the position of Customer Service Executive Manager 2010 – 2013, Resort Operations Manager 2013 – 2019, and ultimately his current position of General Manager.

Stuart has endured unspeakable trauma in his personal life, as the sole survivor of the 1997 Thredbo landslide that killed 18 people including his wife Sally, and again in 2015, losing his second wife Rosanna to breast cancer.

Resilience derived from personal trauma, together with his love of Thredbo has established Stuart as a positive, strong and inspirational leader professionally. During his time as General Manager, Stuart has successfully led Thredbo through the bushfires of January 2020, followed by the Covid pandemic of 2020/2021, which crippled the resort and reliant businesses.

Currently, Thredbo employs over 1,200 staff and has a turnover of over close to $100 million. Stuart is confident about the future of the ski industry post-pandemic and reflects positively on how the resort was forced to pivot and adapt to overcome the challenges of the past two years.