Deb Zimmer
In June 2019, Deb Zimmer became the Group CFO of Hammons Holdings which includes the ownership and management of BridgeClimb and Scenic World. Having gained great insights into the tourism industry through her work with these two leading tourism attractions, Deb was delighted to be offered the Joint CEO role at BridgeClimb in 2020 before taking the role independently in 2021. Deb has helped manage the business through the heartbreaking covid challenges over the past 2 years and is currently working on reinvigorating this iconic business as international tourism begins to return. Prior to the current role, Deb had gained more than 20 years experience in financial and commercial management with leadership roles across industries and around the globe including Virgin Active Australia, Vodafone Hutchison Australia, United Biscuits in London and PricewaterhouseCoopers as well as Australian listed telecommunications provider, Inabox Group. Given her own passion for travel and adventure, Deb has embraced her move in to the tourism industry and sometimes pinches herself that she has a job that brings joy to so many people.