Marc Crothall

Appointed as the first CEO of the Scottish Tourism Alliance (STA) Marc has been at its helm since its inception in 2012. He is responsible for the day to day operations and leadership of the organisation which is the overarching tourism industry trade body and acknowledged as being “The Voice of Scotland’s Tourism Industry”.

The STA has under its umbrella of membership circa 75% of the c20000 Tourism business that operate length and breadth of the country. The organisation are the appointed lead strategic guardians and co-ordinators of Scotland’s national tourism Strategy Tourism Scotland 2020 (TS2020). The STA are also jointly with sister trade body Scotland Food and Drink  in the process of leading the development of Scotland’s first Food and Drink Tourism Strategy to be launched later this year.

Marc is a lead member of the Tourism Leadership Group (TLG) that has shaped and steers TS2020, He chairs the steering the sub group charged with leading the development of the 2030 national tourism strategy and is the industry representative on the Scottish Government’s High- Level Tourism Working Group (TWG) chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. He also chairs the STA Council, the National Marine Tourism Development Group and is one of nine cross sector business leaders invited to form the UK Government’s Scottish Business Task Force. Other positions he holds include being an advisory board member of Springboard Scotland, Interface Scottish Licenced Trade Association.