Michael Pratt AM

Michael Pratt was appointed as the 27th Secretary of NSW Treasury and NSW Industrial Relations on 1 August 2017. The Treasury Cluster includes NSW Treasury, NSW Treasury Corporation, NSW Industrial Relations, icare (Insurance & Care NSW) and SAS Trustee Corporation.
As Secretary, Michael is responsible for strategic management of the entirety of the State’s finances, budget, assets, liabilities and financial risk management framework and transformation.
Prior to his role with Treasury, Michael was the NSW Customer Service Commissioner, where he revolutionised the way the Government delivers services – putting the people of NSW at the heart of service delivery. He led major service reform across the NSW Government, chairing the NSW Customer Advisory Board – the responsible governance entity for the delivery of State Government services to the citizens of NSW.
Michael Pratt was honoured as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the Queen’s Birthday 2016 Honours List. Michael was recognised as a role model for Australian society for providing significant service to public administration through reforms in customer service and communication and to the finance and banking industry.
Prior to his role as Customer Service Commissioner Michael was CEO of Consumer and SME Banking, North East Asia, with Standard Chartered Bank. He is a former President of the Australian Institute of Banking & Finance and was the inaugural Joint President of Finsia. Michael’s previous roles also include senior executive positions as Group Executive of Westpac Business & Consumer Banking, CEO of National Australia Bank in Australia, CEO of Bank of New Zealand and CEO of Bank of Melbourne. Michael was also Deputy Chancellor of Western Sydney University.
Michael’s prior directorships include Non-Executive Director roles at TAL Dai-ichi Life Australia and Credit Union Australia where he chaired their respective risk committees; MasterCard International Inc New York; MasterCard Asia Pacific; BT Financial Services; Chairman of Bennelong Funds Management; Chairman of Shenzen Credit Corporation; and Executive Director of Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong and China.