Hon Penny Sharpe MLC

Penny has been a Labor Member of the NSW Legislative Council since 2005 and became Labor’s Shadow Minister for the Environment, Heritage, Trade, Tourism and Major Events in 2015. Previously, Penny was the Shadow Minister for Planning and Transport.

Since holding the portfolios of Tourism and Major Events, Penny has engaged with stakeholders across the tourism sector and given bipartisan support for growing tourism both in Sydney and in Regional NSW, while holding the Government to account when communities have spoken up to request support.

With her dual role as Shadow Environment Minister, Penny has a keen interest in nature-based tourism and understands the strength of our spectacular nature and wildlife as drawcards for visitors.

Penny has spent considerable time travelling across NSW, with visits to the far west and all the way up and down the NSW coast speaking to communities, local organisations and businesses about how to build the tourism industry to create more jobs and support economic growth, and conserve the environment for future generations.