Dave Sharma MP

Dave was elected to the Australian Parliament for the seat of Wentworth, in eastern Sydney, in May 2019 as a candidate of the Liberal Party. Prior to politics, Dave enjoyed an extensive and distinguished career as an Australian diplomat.

Dave joined Australia’s diplomatic service in 1999 and served in Papua New Guinea, Washington DC and Israel. Dave served with the Australian-led peacekeeping force in Bougainville in 2000, for which he was awarded the Australian Service Medal. From 2001 to 2003 Dave was stationed in Papua New Guinea, helping to negotiate an end to the civil war in Bougainville. On his return to Australia, he worked as the legal and multilateral adviser to Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.

From 2006 to 2009, Dave served as the political counselor at the Australian Embassy in Washington DC, where he worked to coordinate and align policies with the US Administration on important challenges in East Asia and the Middle East.

From 2010 to 2012, Dave headed the International Division in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra, helping spearhead the Prime Minister’s diplomatic effort across the breadth of Australian interests.

From 2013 to 2017, Dave served as Australia’s Ambassador to Israel, helping strengthen the relationship in the defence and technology sectors and ensuring strong Australian support for Israel in international forums.

Dave is Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, and Chair of the Foreign Affairs and Aid Subcommittee.