Hon Tony Abbott MP

Tony Abbott was elected Prime Minister by the Australian people on 7 September 2013 and served for two years.

In his time as Prime Minister, the carbon tax and the mining tax were repealed; free trade agreements were finalised with China, Japan and Korea; and the people smuggling trade from Indonesia to Australia was halted. Australia became the second largest military contributor to the US-led campaign against ISIL in Iraq and hosted the G20 meeting of global leaders in Brisbane in November 2014.

In 2014 and again in 2015, he spent a week running the government from a remote indigenous community.

As Opposition Leader at the 2010 election, he reduced a first-term Labor government to minority status before comprehensively winning the 2013 election.

Between 1996 and 2007, he was successively parliamentary secretary, minister, cabinet minister and Leader of the House of Representatives in the Howard government.

As Minister for Health, he expanded Medicare to include dentists, psychologists and other health professionals and resolved the medical indemnity crisis.

As Minister for Workplace Relations, he boosted construction industry productivity through the establishment of a royal commission against union lawlessness.

As Minister for Employment Services, he developed private-sector job placement services and Work for the Dole for long-term unemployed people.

Tony Abbott has been Member for Warringah in the Australian Parliament since 1994 and was instrumental in the creation of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust to preserve the natural and built heritage of his electorate and elsewhere.

Prior to entering parliament, he was a journalist with The Australian, a senior adviser to Opposition Leader John Hewson, and director of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.

In the Morrison government, he currently serves as Special Envoy for Indigenous Affairs.

He has degrees in economics and law from Sydney University and in politics and philosophy from Oxford which he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.

He is the author of three books.

Since 1998, he has convened the Pollie Pedal annual charity bike ride which has raised nearly $7 million for organisations such as Soldier On, Carers Australia, and other charities.

He still does surf patrols with the Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club and serves in the Davidson Rural Fire Brigade.

He is married to Margaret and they are the parents of three daughters – Louise, Frances and Bridget.