Dean Harris

Dean Harris is a Director of The Navigators Pty Ltd, a research, analytics and strategy consultancy with offices in Sydney and Wellington, New Zealand. He has owned and run market research businesses for over 20 years and has expertise in research, data analysis, marketing and business strategy. He joined the Labor party in 2014 but has always been a person who’s passionate about, and involved in, promoting strong, sustainable and healthy communities. Growing concerns about the lack of effective climate and energy policy propelled him in to politics. But his ambition is for a greater focus on the public interest and the use of evidence in the development of policy in all areas. He believes politicians of all kinds must strive to restore trust through greater transparency and accountability in public office. Dean is a father of two and has lived in Cremorne and Mosman since 2007. He is an enthusiastic kayaker and enjoys the beauty of being on the water in the inner harbour and beaches around Mosman. Despite turning 50 last year, he still plays cricket for the Warringah Cricket Club in the summer months.