Circular Quay upgrade a win for visitor economy

Industry has welcomed the next transformative project for Sydney with the government’s announcement of a $200 million redevelopment of Circular Quay, said peak body Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF).

TTF Chief Executive Margy Osmond said an upgrade to the Circular Quay precinct is long overdue.

“Circular Quay is Australia’s international gateway for overseas visitors, with its iconic vistas of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge,” said Ms Osmond.

“40 per cent of international tourists start their first day in Sydney at Circular Quay.

“It also serves as one of Sydney’s most important multi-modal transport hubs and a key part of the city’s ‘cultural ribbon’.

“This should be the premier precinct in Sydney – it needs to be lifted from the ordinary to the great.

“The government’s proposed rejuvenation of the precinct’s public domain, combined with the construction of light rail, the conversion of the “sandstones” on Bridge Street to hotels and redevelopments being undertaken by AMP, Lend Lease and Wanda, will help to make Circular Quay a world-class destination.

“The biggest roadblock to improving Circular Quay has always been a lack of coherent planning and cooperation caused by so many agencies having a stake in the precinct. TTF urges the NSW Government to ensure that all government agencies and the City of Sydney are part of future planning for the precinct.

“Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) played an important role in coordinating the vision and activation for the Circular Quay precinct. With SHFA’s functions being devolved to other agencies, TTF advocates the appointment of a precinct manager who brings all of the agencies together to ensure we get the best outcome at Circular Quay.”