TTF Media Release

3rd May 2021


TTF on behalf of the national tourism, transport and aviation sectors congratulates the Tasmanian Government on its re-election on Saturday.

TTF Australia CEO Margy Osmond said that Tasmania had been a leading light in the Australian tourism landscape in recent years and that state governments on both sides of the political aisle had worked hard for many years to ensure the sector is in the enviable position it is in today.

“It’s no secret that Tasmanian tourism has truly come of age over the last decade or so,” Margy Osmond said today.

“This is due in no small part to the leadership and of successive state governments and premiers, particularly in recent years with the retention of the tourism ministry within the Premier’s specific responsibilities, thus maintaining the sector’s status as an economic heavyweight at the heart of government decision making.”

“It is also due to ongoing successful and cutting-edge marketing initiatives driven by destination agency Tourism Tasmania, most recently with the ‘Come down for Air’ campaign aimed at attracting renewed visitation from key interstate markets.

“We know from our own TTF research that so long as national border certainty returns and remains, Australians are desperate to get out and about and will travel to experience nature-based tourism like world class walks and engage in cultural tourism like visits to galleries, museums and events, all of which Tasmania clearly offers up in spades.

“We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Tasmanian Government over the next four years as it further develops, progresses and refines Tasmania’s world class tourism industry, for the benefit of all.”

Contact: TTF Manager Policy, Media & Government Relations Lindsay Hermes 0418 948 447