TTF Media Release

Sunday 27 September 2020


TTF Australia CEO Margy Osmond today welcomed an additional $250 million tourism and infrastructure package from the Federal Government which will deliver targeted support for regional tourism areas.

“TTF welcomes this funding which will directly benefit regions like Cairns, the Red Centre and Kangaroo Island which have been hit hard by the complete halt of international tourism as well as little interstate tourism while most borders remained closed for a lengthy period and some continue to be,” Margy Osmond said.

“A new dedicated recovery initiative will be a direct lifeline for seven regional areas as well as the Gold Coast and Tasmania as they reach out to Australians to rediscover their own national backyard if they are able to.

“This will be critical as research by Stafford Strategy for TTF highlights that our industry is still experiencing an average $4 billion in lost tourism spending for each month that the international borders are closed.”

The additional funding also includes $200 million for an additional round of the established Building Better Regions Fund and importantly $100 million dedicated to tourism-related infrastructure like new or upgraded visitor centres, walking tracks, signage, town centre improvements, rail-trails, museum upgrades and the like.

“The next important step to re-establish traveller confidence is a dedicated $50 million ‘COVID Safe Domestic Travel Campaign’ which is one of the key recommendations in our Federal Budget Submission,” Margy Osmond continued.

“Many Australians are reluctant to travel, particularly by plane and this threatens the ongoing survival of the nation’s critical aviation industry and inhibits a full-scale recovery in the domestic market, even with compelling offerings from regional Australia which today’s announcement will now support.

“Our research over the past six months has found that when Australians are travelling, they are largely choosing to use their own cars and are choosing destinations within four hours driving distance of their homes.

“We need to focus on all the different COVID Safe initiatives developed by our industry in consultation with Governments and to get the message out there that it is safe to take to the skies and travel interstate as border restrictions ease.

“And the corporate travel market will also form a vital part of the recovery particularly for aviation and accommodation and employers will need to feel confident in allowing staff to recommence travel.”

TTF is recommending the $50 million campaign be funded and fast-tracked from the uncommitted portion of the $1 billion tourism focused COVID 19 relief and recovery fund announced earlier in the year.


Contact: TTF Manager Policy and Government Relations Lindsay Hermes 0418 948 447