The Tourism and Transport Forum (TTF) congratulates Scott Morrison and his Coalition government on Saturday night’s election win.

“We look forward to working closely with the new Government to ensure that we can keep driving Australia’s tourism, transport and aviation industries forward,” TTF Chief Executive Margy Osmond said.

“The Morrison Government made a range of key commitments in the tourism and transport space prior to the election which we have welcomed.

“All of which will help tourism businesses to thrive and will contribute to making Australia a lead player on the worldwide tourism stage.

“We were particularly pleased to see the commitment to visa reform and a strong focus on regional communities and the contribution they do and will make, to the capacity of the industry.

“Tourism and the critical infrastructure that supports it rightly has bi-partisan support as all major parties recognise the contribution and the potential of the industry.

We are keen to work with the government and the Federal Tourism Minister on:

–    Further investment into Australia’s destination marketing agency, Tourism Australia

–    A review of the Passenger Movement Charge and the current level of over- collection

–    Additional and improved visitor infrastructure, and

–    Further investment in airport to city rail connectivity and regional rail networks.

“We know that tourism is one of the country’s most successful industries but to cement its future success and the jobs that will entail, it needs ongoing and focused support from all sides of politics,” Ms Osmond said.