Want more visitors to Sydney? Improve tourism and transport planning

The transport network plays a crucial role in the visitor economy, and the NSW government should be doing more to integrate tourism and transport planning. A public transport network that is affordable and easy to navigate will contribute significantly to the overall experience of visiting Sydney and New South Wales, bringing it into line with other global cities like New York, Paris, Tokyo and London.

Peak national industry body Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) has today released its plan for the tourism industry in the state, New South Wales Tourism: Backing Our Strengths. The plan outlines a number of steps the government could take to ensure the tourism industry continues to grow, contribute to the state’s economy and support jobs across the state and urges the NSW government to take the lead on implementing an integrated tourism and transport plan.

Chief Executive, Margy Osmond, said “Currently, transport authorities focus on the needs of domestic commuters. While this is understandable, it should not be done at the expense of the visitor experience.

“If you think about some of the most popular cities in the world – New York, London, Tokyo and Paris – their impressive public transport networks are considered selling points in their own right.

“TTF is calling on the state government to develop a specific tourism and transport policy that outlines mechanisms to improve the experience of visitors on the public transport network. The policy should consider the customer experience through the lens of international or interstate visitors – many of whom face language barriers and have no familiarity with our transport system.

“NSW is leading the country in transport and tourism investment. Developing an integrated tourism and transport plan for NSW would cement their agenda setting role across Australia.

“TTF has strongly endorsed the Baird government’s decision to boost funding for tourism marketing and infrastructure by $600million, and we urge the Foley opposition to follow suit to demonstrate that both major parties understand the long-term benefits of investing in an industry that creates jobs and growth for this state.”

“This is a worthy investment. Tourism plays a significant role in the NSW economy, driving growth and creating jobs across the state. The visitor economy contributes $28.4 billion to gross state
product and supports more than 95,600 businesses.
“Tourism supports more than 267,000 NSW jobs, 158,000 of these directly, and accounts for nearly 1 in every 14 jobs across the state.

“NSW has committed to meeting the Tourism 2020 targets. If we are going to get close, we must take a holistic approach to attracting visitors. Every little bit counts.

“This is particularly the case for visitors without an English speaking background. NSW is working hard to be an attractive destination for visitors from the burgeoning Asian middle classes, these visitors in particular will benefit from a system that is legible and intuitive.”