Proposed Badgerys Creek levy another *(asterisk) on the cost of air travel

The Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) has expressed its opposition to the proposal apparently being considered by the Federal Government to introduce a levy on passenger movements to pay for the cost of building the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek.

It has been revealed that the Federal Government may be considering a $5-$10 levy on passengers arriving and departing at Australia’s airports.

“Slapping yet another asterisk at the end of a plane ticket with another $10 tax on travellers is just lazy revenue raising,” said Margy Osmond, TTF Chief Executive.

“The Western Sydney Airport is a nationally significant project. It is vital this goes ahead for the future economic growth and prosperity of Western Sydney.

“Any number of funding mechanisms are available for a project of this scale and we understand several models are under consideration. What is critical is that the funding model does not limit or damage NSW or Australia’s competitiveness.

“Nationally the Federal Government is forecast to raise more than a billion dollars next year alone through the Passenger Movement Charge which is well in excess of the $250 million it costs to facilitate passenger movements at international airports.

“Air travellers are already contributing far more than their fair share and the Government should think very hard before sticking its hand in the pockets of travellers yet again.”