Tourism report card shows why government should back a winner

A record-breaking performance by Australia’s tourism sector in 2014-15 is just another reason why governments should provide further investment in the industry in the aftermath of the mining boom said Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF).

The State of the Industry 2015 report released today by Tourism Research Australia confirms that inbound arrivals increased by 6.6 per cent to record 6.6 million arrivals in the last financial year and $107.1 billion in expenditure in domestic and international visits.

Expenditure Type Amount
International $33.4 billion (up 10.4%)
Domestic Overnight $55.4 billion (up 4.0%)
Domestic Day $18.2 billion (up 0.3%)
Total $107.1 billion (up 5.2%)

“International tourism expenditure has grown in the past year by a whopping 10.4 per cent to $33.4 billion – that is an amazing performance that other sectors of the Australian economy would love to match,” said Margy Osmond, TTF CEO.

“The world continues its love affair with Australia with a record 6.6 million international visitors arriving on our shores – China and India continue to drive strong growth that will see over 10 million international visitors within the next decade.

“Tourism is a robust industry that can provide so much more economic growth and job creation for Australians if we have a co-ordinated plan between government and the industry to take it even further.

“That’s why TTF has been such a vocal advocate of the need to develop an economic strategy for the sector to ensure that it is indeed in a position to be one of the great drivers of our national economy in the years to come.

“The industry has its challenges and we need to see a renewed focus on reducing skills shortages and the undertaking of significant visa reforms but we are heartened to hear the Federal Tourism Minister Richard Colbeck acknowledging the work that needs to be done in these areas.”