Tourism Advocates Sign Historic MOU To Support A Stronger Economy

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The Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) and the Australian Regional Tourism Network (ARTN) have signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will support a closer partnership and a stronger voice for the tourism industry with government, especially in our regional and remote destinations.

The MOU was signed by TTF CEO Margy Osmond and ARTN Chair David Sheldon in Sydney, formalising the strong partnership between the two organisations on behalf of their diverse industry memberships.

“This MOU is about bringing business – big and small – in the tourism sector closer together to advocate and achieve positive reforms that will support the growth of our sector into the future,” said Margy Osmond, TTF CEO.

“We have formally agreed to work collaboratively on projects, policy and advocacy outcomes to the mutual benefit of our members – we have now put in place a formal agreement of what we have long done in practice.

“Tourism is not only a large employer across all of Australia, but is also a vital economic development driver for our cities and regions. In the year ending December 15, visitors spent $43.9 million in our regions – this figure is too significant for our politicians to ignore, especially in the midst of an election campaign.”

David Sheldon, Chair of the ARTN, said the MOU would be a boost to regional tourism operators by utilising the resources and expertise of the two organisations together on major projects and campaigns of mutual interest.

“While making sure our cities are great places to visit, it is just as important to ensure we have thriving and accessible regional destinations as tourism is often the lifeblood of many of these regional and remote communities.

“A priority for our organisations is advocating for strategies that support regional dispersal and enabling the visitor infrastructure that will allow our regional and rural tourism sectors to maximise their potential.

“A strong tourism sector means having vibrant regional visitor economies across Australia and alliances and formal agreements with leading tourism advocates such as TTF help us achieve that goal, putting regional Australia front and centre for our politicians.

“The best way to get government to listen to the needs and concerns of the industry is to speak with an unified voice on the positive reforms we need to continue to support the jobs and economic growth our nation will need in the years to come.“