Sydney’s Royal Easter Show A Growing Global Event

More than 23,000 international visitors, predominantly from China, will be descending on the Sydney Showground at Sydney Olympic Park to enjoy the fruits of Australia’s world class produce, showbags, woodchopping competitions, animal shows, arts, crafts, displays and the thrill rides as part of the growing international renown of the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

“The Sydney Royal Easter Show is one of Australia’s signature annual events and the word continues to spread overseas,” said Margy Osmond, Tourism & Transport Forum Australia (TTF) CEO.

“We all have fond memories of attending the Sydney Royal Easter Show – from those first trips as children coming home loaded with showbags to teenagers seeing the show with friends to parents sharing the experience with the next generation – now these are memories that are traveling beyond our borders.

“The Sydney Royal Easter Show is expecting to attract 23,000 international visitors this year who will generate $37 million in economic activity and that’s only the beginning.

“With more than 7.5 million international visitors traveling to Australia each year there is huge potential to grow our domestic events like the Sydney Royal Easter Show by tapping into this booming market.

“The Sydney Royal Easter Show adds significant value to our visitor economy by also connecting international businesses with Australia’s agricultural industries.

“The inaugural Royal Agricultural Society of NSW International Delegate Program has attracted interest from over 550 international industry delegates who will meet with the elite of Australia’s cattle industry and attend business events and develop commercial opportunities.

“This is just a reminder of how fortunate we are to have such fantastic events like the Sydney Royal Easter Show in our backyards and that should be encouragement for everyone to visit the Show this year to experience the spectacle and fun.

“The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW should be congratulated for the great work they are doing growing the Sydney Royal Easter Show as a global event, and for the NSW Government, through Destination NSW, continuing to support this important bookmark on the annual events calendar.”